Springfield College History | Springfield College-十大赌博信誉的平台

Springfield College History

Since 1885, 在十大赌博靠谱信誉网站十大赌博信誉的平台一直专注于在精神上教育学生, mind, and body—for leadership in service to others.  We call it our Humanics philosophy.  The world has changed since 1885, and we have, too. New academic programs, renovations, construction, 其他重大发展确保了十大赌博信誉的平台与今天的学生和社会保持联系. One thing that hasn’t changed is our Humanics focus.

这意味着十大赌博信誉的平台非常重视帮助学生全面成长, enter fields that help others, and serve as leaders in their communities, organizations, and companies, at home and around the world. Offering bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degrees, 对于那些寻求全面教育的人来说,十大赌博靠谱信誉网站是最好的目的地, strong academics, experiential learning opportunities, and active and fulfilling co-curricular and athletic involvement.

Logos and Seal

College Seal

Springfield College Seal

十大赌博靠谱信誉网站的校徽包括路德·古力克的三角形和“精神”两个字,” “mind,” and “body” written within it. Within the triangle is the lamp of learning, 在三角形的周围是一个圆圈,圆圈内环绕着该机构的名称和1885年的成立年份. 路德·古力克三角继续代表学院及其人文哲学教育学生的精神, mind, and body for leadership in service to others.

Springfield College utilizes the seal for official business. For example, 它被印在总统办公室的某些通讯上, ceremonial documents, awards, and diplomas.

College Logo

Springfield College Logo

The Springfield College logo, created in 2015, 上面写着"春田学院"和一个倒三角, exemplifies the College’s Humanics philosophy, which recognizes that an individual’s emotional, intellectual, and physical lives are interconnected. 新标志中使用的倒等边三角形可以追溯到十大赌博靠谱信誉网站的前教员路德H. Gulick, 美国体育教育和娱乐的先驱, who first introduced the symbol to the College in 1891.

Athletics Logo

Springfield College athletics logo

Springfield College Athletics is represented by a block "S,,它遵循了学院几十年来利用多种形式的这种图像的传奇传统. 学院选择了一个一致的外观,以纪念其历史,并使用两种色调的色彩,帮助十大赌博靠谱信誉网站从其他机构中脱颖而出.

The School for Christian Workers

The School for Christian Workers opens with 18 students. Tuition is free and meals cost about $3 per week. David Allen Reed, a Congregationalist minister, is the founder of the school, 它最初位于斯普林菲尔德的温彻斯特广场, Mass.

Robert Roberts and Students

“健美”一词是由体育系教练罗伯特·J·琼斯首创的. Roberts, considered the founder of the fitness movement. Roberts came to the college after a career at the Boston YMCA.

Luther Halsey Gulick and his students

The triangle is born! Luther Halsey Gulick, 前体育系主任,“美国体育与娱乐之父”,创造了十大赌博靠谱信誉网站的三角标志,现在在十大赌博信誉的平台的标志中看到(现在被亲切地称为古力克三角)。.

Peach Basket Basketball Hoop

大学讲师兼研究生詹姆斯·奈史密斯发明了“篮球”.第一场比赛是在十大赌博靠谱信誉网站的教师和学生之间进行的, with students winning 5-1.

William Morgan

1894届的威廉·摩根在马萨诸塞州霍利奥克大学发明了排球.) YMCA. Originally named mintonette, 在十大赌博靠谱信誉网站的一场表演赛上,这项运动被重新命名为排球.


William H.J. 贝克特获得了学院颁发的第一个学位,人文学士学位. 贝克特的照片位于肖像画中间,倒数第三排.

Marsh Memorial Library

Former U.S. 威廉·霍华德·塔夫脱总统在马什纪念图书馆落成典礼上讲话, now home to the Office of the President.

Athletes and Students

十大赌博靠谱信誉网站因“成绩和诚信”获得国际奥委会颁发的奥林匹克杯, contribution to the progress of athletics, and clean sport.” We’re the only college to receive this honor.

Stepping Up Day

Stepping Up Day—formerly called Decapitation Day, 或者是新生不再需要戴无边帽的那一天——作为一种传统开始.

Peter Karpovich

Peter Karpovich, MD, joins the faculty. Karpovich成为国际上受人尊敬的运动生理学家、十大赌博信誉的平台和研究者. 他的许多哲学思想至今仍影响着十大赌博信誉的平台运动生理学项目的发展.

Ted Shawn Dance Class

美国现代舞之父,36岁的泰德·肖恩在十大赌博靠谱信誉网站任教,并组建了第一个全男性舞蹈团, comprised of Springfield College students. The group founds Jacob’s Pillow, located in Becket, Mass., and tours the United States.

Springfield College Sign

Springfield College officially becomes Springfield College. 学院的名字包括基督教工人学校(1885年), YMCA Training School (1890), International YMCA Training School (1891), International YMCA College (1912), and finally, Springfield College.

Life Magazine

Springfield College earns international recognition in a Jan. 23 Life 杂志上的一篇文章,“肌肉男:从十大赌博靠谱信誉网站出来的国家体育主任”.”

Greased Pole Climb during Sti-Yu-Ka

Irving Conrad, then president of the Student Government Association, creates Sti-Yu-Ka, 每年春天庆祝学年结束的庆祝活动. 抹油爬杆子的传统一直延续到今天,是庆祝活动的一部分.

詹姆斯·奈史密斯篮球名人堂在校园开放. 此后,奈史密斯篮球名人堂搬到了斯普林菲尔德市中心.
Field Hockey Team

Springfield College is prominently featured in the Dec. 2 issue of Sports Illustrated 这所学校“对美国体育做出了无与伦比的贡献”.”

Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. 将于6月14日在毕业典礼上发表演讲并获得荣誉人文博士学位, 尽管外界试图说服学院取消对金的邀请.
Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. 将于6月14日在毕业典礼上发表演讲并获得荣誉人文博士学位, 尽管外界试图说服学院取消对金的邀请.
Title IX is enacted on June 23. 国会证词是由61届,67届的教员咪咪·默里提供的.
Title IX is enacted on June 23. 国会证词是由61届,67届的教员咪咪·默里提供的.
Tom Waddell, MD, ‘59 founds the Gay Games
Tom Waddell, MD, ‘59 founds the Gay Games, 一个四年一度的艺术和运动事件开放给任何想参加的人. 14年前,瓦德尔代表美国参加了墨西哥城奥运会的十项全能比赛.
Professors Frank Torre
斯普林菲尔德大学的化学教授温俊权和弗兰克·托瑞帮助开发了一种可以检测杀手E的快速测试. 大肠杆菌在被污染的食品(如汉堡包)离开仓库到达消费者手中之前就已经存在了.
International Hall
A tornado tears through campus on June 1, destroying many trees and International Hall, a residence hall on campus. 在九月份学生们返回校园之前,校园很快恢复了生机,国际大厅也完全恢复了工作秩序.
U.S. 5月19日,参议员伊丽莎白·沃伦在大学毕业典礼上发表演讲.
U.S. 5月19日,参议员伊丽莎白·沃伦在大学毕业典礼上发表演讲.
Learning Commons
新的学习共享区将在校园内开放,作为学生的教育中心. With resources combined from the library, Academic Success Center, and Internet Technology Solutions, 学生们将能够在一个技术先进和美丽的设施中获得任何他们需要的学术知识.